May 30, 2024

Black men sue American Airlines for 'racial discrimination'

Three black men have filed a lawsuit against American Airlines, alleging that the carrier briefly removed them from a flight after a complaint about body odour. American Airlines employees tried to re-book the men on other flights, but there were no other services to New York that night. American Airlines said in a statement: "We take all claims of discrimination very seriously and want our customers to have a positive experience when they choose to fly with us."Our teams are currently investigating the matter, as the claims do not reflect our core values or our purpose of caring for people. One of the men suing, Mr Joseph, told the BBC that the "alienating" experience reminded him of Civil Rights hero Rosa Parks being forced to move to the back of an Alabama bus in 1955 due to state-sanctioned racial discrimination. In 2017, the NAACP, a civil rights group, issued a travel advisory telling black Americans to avoid American Airlines due to discrimination.

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